This is an update for FSX of the Alphasim EF2000 Typhoon. I have fixed the smoke position, and changed the gauges where necessary on the 2D and 3D panels so the panel would work in FSX. I am running FSX with both service packs, no Acceleration. So far most aircraft I have brought into this FSX from FS9 works the same as it did in FS9. The only exceptions being the gauges that don't work in FSX, possible model file problems, and the smoke position needing changing because of FS9 having the co-ordinates mixed up. This is the whole aircraft.

Unzip to a folder of your choice. Copy the aircraft to the airplanes folder. Copy the gauges and effects to the main FS gauges and effects folders. No need to overwrite if already there. Copy the .dll file in this update to the FSX root directory. This is so the Boeing 777-300 gauges work.

If you have not already done so, copy the .cab files from the default aircraft panel folders that have them to the main FS gauges folder. For some the .cab files will be .zip files as .cab files are a type of .zip file.

See [reference speeds] in the aircraft.cfg file for operating speeds.

Turning off the nav lights will bring the aircraft to clean, with only the 4 missles under the fuselage still there.

I was not going to do any more updates for FSX, but I like to think there are many people who would like to use this aircraft in FSX who don't know how to mess with the gauges so the panel can be used in FSX. I did not change the flight dynamics at all from the FS9 update, yet it seems to fly just like it does in FS9. Without Acceleration, and only the service packs, FSX is a much better flying experience than with Acceleration.

Anyone: You have my permission to use any of my updates with the following conditions: One, you don't try to make money with them. Two, you don't try to hurt, or take something from anyone by using them.

Bob Chicilo.